Commando Ridge, Bosigran, Cornwall
Sunny day outing on a beautifully exposed ridge climb.
It was a beautiful blue sky day with a calm sea. The weather is quite important to be able to get all the way down to sea level. On a rough day you have to start after the initial gully leading from a zawn (deep inlet) you have to traverse into, from the initial level platform. This gives the 4 pitch climb foreboding start, with the sea roaringly crushing in, making the communication with your second impossible.
The other unmissable feature is the large chock stone, wedged in a gap between two peaks. You get to see it on the approach from the distance as well as from below (print number 1) and at the end of the day, looking back admiring the view of where you just been.
4 print series: 1. Descent below the chock stone, 2. Shadows of me and Chris abseiling down behind me, 3. Starting pitch climb from the zawn, 4. View of the ridge with the chock stone